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This tip is about the how To Fix ‘Content Package Is No Longer Available’ Issue. So read this free guide, How To Fix ‘Content Package Is No Longer Available’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Fix ‘Content Package Is No Longer Available’ Issue – Guide
There’s nothing worse than not being able to access Warzone due to a bug that seems to pop up up out of nowhere at the worst possible moment. While these issues sometimes occur due to the game servers being temporarily down, most of the time it is necessary for the player to find the solution. One of the most common Warzone errors currently circulating involves a popup that says “Content pack is no longer available”. This usually means that one of the game files has become corrupted and is preventing Warzone from launching. Warzone has become one of the main competitors in the battle royale genre. Despite their ability to deliver great content with every patch, no developer is safe from unpredictable bugs or server crashes that can prevent players from logging into servers.
The error “Content pack is no longer available” usually appears with code 6039. The error mostly occurs with players who may have corrupt or missing files in their installation directories. As you enjoy Warzone and go game after game, the developers may have released a small patch in the background. This patch may cause players to receive the error “Content pack is no longer available” and be kicked out of the game. After returning to the desktop or main screen, the update should start installing automatically.
How to fix Warzone ‘Content package is no longer available’ error
Unlike most Warzone errors, there’s no need to look for an elaborate solution that might involve a complete reinstall. The bug sometimes affects players waiting in the pre-game lobby after a small patch arrives. Most of the time, the update should start downloading automatically, but if it doesn’t, you’ll have to manually check for the update. Here it is how to manually check for a Warzone update.
Final note
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