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Destiny 2 is a free online multiplayer first-person shooter video game available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One X, and Microsoft Windows. However, when playing Destiny 2, you may encounter several error codes, such as error code Cabbage and error code Chicken.
Destiny 2 The Witch Queen contains a slew of error codes that might help a player figure out why they were disconnected from the game. Each code highlights a specific problem, and one of these is known as error code Centipede, which indicates a connectivity difficulty.
This post is primarily about the Destiny 2 error code Centipede, which is more unpleasant than other problems. But, fortunately, there are other ways to address the problem. We have mentioned ways below to Fix Error Code Centipede Destiny 2
Ways to Fix Error Code Centipede Destiny 2
Enable UPnP
Using a VPN
As previously said, you may be utilizing a network that naturally limits your internet usage. If this is the case, you should consider using a VPN to access the Destiny 2 servers without restriction. Bungie has nothing against people utilizing VPNs safely, so you’re in luck in this scenario.
NAT Settings
If you receive Error Code Centipede in Destiny 2, it could be due to a restrictive NAT (Network Address Translation). Check whether it is set to Type 3 or Strict. If this is the case, modify it to Type 1/Open. If you can’t modify it, it’s presumably because you’re in a purposefully restricted environment, such as a workplace or campus. You cannot make any changes unless you are an administrator.
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Fix Error Code Centipede Destiny 2. If you encounter Error Code Centipede when attempting to launch Destiny 2, it signifies that your network connection is broken. As soon as you log in, your game crashes, indicating a problem with your server connection. Of course, there’s always the possibility that you’re merely in a region where difficulties are currently occurring. If you encounter Error Code Centipede, you can always wait it out and try to launch Destiny 2 later.