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We are all aware of the high reputation and sizable user base of MacBook, one of the most popular computer operating systems worldwide. However, this does not imply that a Mac user will never run into problems. Recently, a lot of people have claimed that when trying to copy or move files within their system, they encountered the Mac Error Code -50. A temporary file that is stuck in an indeterminate state, bad file metadata, NVRAM and PRAM data issues, problems with drive files, an OS firmware bug, or a drive that has been formatted with the incorrect file type are some of the possible causes of the issue.
Whether you use a Mac or Windows computer, copying or moving files should generally be a very simple and routine process. Many individuals claim, however, that they experience errors throughout the procedure, including error codes -43 Mac, -36 Mac, -50 Mac, etc. When you copy or transfer files from your MacBook to an external hard drive, you might experience the common data transfer error known as Mac Error Code 50. On occasion, you will also receive a prompt error message when deleting certain Mac files.
Ways to Fix Mac Error Code 50
Renaming the File
As it turns out, the Mac Error Code -50 may occasionally be brought on by a name or extension problem, most likely made possible by a registry value that is in conflict with the information displayed by the Finder app. Some users who experienced the same problem have reported that renaming, changing the extension, and moving the file helped them resolve it. If the moving portion is successful, you only need to rename the file once more, specify the original extension, and the issue will be resolved.
Formatting drive to FAT 32
An incompatible file type for the portable storage device used when attempting to copy or move data is another fairly common cause that could facilitate the appearance of the Mac Error Code -50. The fact that the flash drive, HDD, or SSD is formatted to NTFS is typically to blame for this issue. You must format the external drive to FAT 32 because OS X will not recognize NTFS. Numerous impacted users have attested that this operation was the only thing that was able to fix the problem.
Rebooting your Mac computer
You should start with a straightforward reboot before attempting any of the more complicated fixes that we highlighted below. Rebooting your computer will clear the temporary memory, which will also resolve this problem if the Mac Error Code -50 is brought on by a file that is stuck in limbo.
Performing a Power Cycle Procedure
If restarting your computer didn’t solve your problem, you almost certainly have a persistent temp file that won’t be deleted normally. If this situation applies, forcing a power-cycling procedure is your best option for resolving the problem because it forces the OS to perform a thorough temp file sweep, which usually fixes temp-related problems. A number of impacted users have confirmed that this procedure is the only way for them to copy files to and from external drives and fix the Mac Error Code -50.
Running First Aid in Disk Utility
If you are having trouble copying media to or from an external drive, flash disc, or other storage device, you may be dealing with corrupted files that are impeding the completion of this operation. It has been reported by a user who experienced the same issue that running Disk Utility’s First Aid feature on both the OS drive and the external drive helped them fix the problem. Follow these steps to launch Disk Utility’s First Aid feature:
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to Fix Mac Error Code 50. An input/output error for Mac is known as Error Code 50. It might happen if you use an external drive connected to your Mac, such as a Memory Card, USB, SSD, or HDD. This error, which frequently appears on Macs, may also be caused by a number of other factors, such as corrupt files, hardware issues, or even malware. For the majority of Mac users, copying or moving files from an external hard drive should be simple. However, some users claim that when they try to copy specific files from the external hard drive to their MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, the system is unable to do so and displays the Mac error code 50, informing them that the operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred. Visit their official website for additional solutions if the issue is still present in your system.