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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Microsoft Edge Can’t Reach this Page’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Microsoft Edge Can’t Reach this Page’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Microsoft Edge Can’t Reach this Page’ Issue – Guide
Microsoft released the new Edge browser with Windows 10. It was a much-anticipated browser by Windows users as they were extremely disappointed with the performance of Internet Explorer. With daily updates for Windows 10, Microsoft Edge browser also gains news features and stability improvements regularly. But there are still some problems that bother users of today’s event connects to the Internet, which prevents users from connecting to certain websites.
However, several users have encountered this strange issue relevant to the Microsoft Edge browser i.e. it responds “Hmm, we cannot access this page” to every request that is passed. whereas if you perform this very similar survey in Chrome or Firefox or any other browser, you will get instant answers. if you check the network connection, no problem is found that causes this problem.
There could be several reasons why Edge has this issue. The most known reason is related to DNS client which might have stopped unexpectedly, again Incorrect proxy, VPN client, antivirus or firewall settings can also be responsible for creating this error. Whatever the reason, we have some effective solutions to fix hmm, we can’t reach this page error in Microsoft Edge.
How to Fix ‘Microsoft Edge cannot access this page’ issue
Checking the Internet Connection
When you encounter errors on every page you try to visit with Microsoft Edge, make sure you’re connected to the Internet correctly. After confirming that the internet connection is working and stable enough to run other browsers, there may be a network connectivity issue preventing Edge from working properly.
In that case, you can run a troubleshooter to fix Wi-Fi issues by referring to a guide by Microsoft in how to fix Wi-Fi issues if you are holding a Windows device.
Change DNS Server
Disable IPv6
Disabling Microsoft Edge Extensions
One of the last features is to disable all extensions in your Microsoft Edge browser, especially ad blockers and similar extensions that directly interfere with your browser’s script. In case this fix doesn’t work, you can simply reset your Edge browser.
Reset Microsoft Edge
Final note
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