SEGA is the publisher of Sonic Frontiers, a recently published game. Sonics enthusiasts have no concerns about this game. They are loving it because they are already familiar with the retro-style aesthetics of the Sonic games. The missions in this game necessitate Sonic’s ability to roll quickly, and the variety of these missions keeps players interested.
Many players nowadays find it exciting to play games on Ultrawide screens. Sonic Frontiers, like any other game, is expected to have the same feature support. However, does Sonic Frontiers allow Ultrawide screen gameplay? Those expecting to be able to play Sonic Frontiers on their Ultrawide Screens monitor without any black bars may be disappointed with the answer. At the moment, the game does not support Ultrawide resolution.
This has displeased the players, as evidenced by the game’s community discussion page on Steam. Users have complained that nearly no Japanese game launched this year has Ultrawide support. Those who attempted to play Sonic Frontiers in ultrawide mode noticed black bars on the screen. This clearly indicates that the game does not have Ultrawide Support, at least not publicly. We have mentioned steps below to Fix Sonic Frontiers Ultrawide Issue On PC
Steps To Fix Sonic Frontiers Ultrawide Issue On PC
Final Words
We hope like our article on how To Fix Sonic Frontiers Ultrawide Issue On PC. Sonic the Hedgehog is a decades-long series. Sonic has appeared not only in video games, but also in films and cartoons. Sonic Frontiers is the franchise’s most recent entry, and it has received mixed reviews.