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Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. With Season 14, Apex Legends is still going strong, but it’s also a time when some of the action game’s issues might manifest. Players on PC tend to experience issues around update time because the ‘patching game’ Apex error almost always appears. Many players are still experiencing issues, and they are looking everywhere for a solution to the strategy game’s endless loading screen. Even though game developers work to permanently fix bugs, there will always be persistent issues that reappear with new patches.
These mistakes frequently prevent players from starting Apex Legends or even joining a match. Respawn Entertainment usually fixes widespread issues in a subsequent patch, but if your entire squad is waiting for you, you probably won’t want to wait around for a fix. You can get around the bug that causes an endless loading screen by following the most common troubleshooting procedures. Players are not given any notices prior to the infinite loading screen error, which makes it challenging to identify its cause.
While some of the suggested solutions suggest that the error might be account- or server-related, others can also make it appear that way. You will repeatedly attempt to log into the game if you don’t manually exit out of the endless loading screen. A few DIY fixes for the infinite loading screen bug are available, but if none of them work for you, you’ll need to wait for Respawn to release a formal patch. When the error is affecting the vast majority of Apex’s player base, these additional patches typically take a few hours to apply.
Ways to fix the Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug
Restart the Game or Computer
If the Apex Legends loading screen becomes stuck, you should first try a simple restart. Simply quit Apex Legends and all associated processes. Then, to relaunch the game, click its shortcut icon. If the Apex Legends infinite loading screen issue persists, you might try going to the installation folder and running it directly from the executable file. In some circumstances, restart your computer may also be able to fix the issue.
Run the Game as Administrator
Install the Latest Patches for Apex Legends
As you are aware, game developers regularly release new patches to assist players in resolving specific issues and enhance gaming performance. You will be forced to install some significant patches, but you also run the risk of omitting some crucial ones. You should therefore manually check for updates to Apex Legends and apply any that are available. Restart the game after that to see if you can still play it.
Flush DNS
Change EA Server
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PS5, MORE
Release date: 4 February 2019
Developers: Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games
Series: Titanfall
System requirements
Processor: Intel Core i3 6300 / AMD FX 4350 or Equivalent
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 / AMD Radeon HD 7730
OS: 64-bit Windows 7 and above
Storage: 56 GB of available space
Memory: 6 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Additional Notes: Spare required for 1 localized language (~3.8GB)
About the Apex Legends
Five years ago, there were hardly any video games featuring battle royale. A new craze was born, and online games like Fortnite and PUBG took it to dizzying new heights. There is literally no way to avoid the buzz, as it is being embraced by every influencer with even a small streaming device. The fact that expressions from video game media, such as “Where We Dropping Boys?” and “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner,” have entered popular culture, for better or worse, must be viewed as a success.
Within a week of its covert launch by Respawn Entertainment, Apex Legends had 25 million players worldwide. It’s not something that every developer hopes to accomplish every week, but rather once in a lifetime. Given how heavily Apex borrows from Respawn’s renowned Titanfall universe and even goes so far as to call it a spinoff, it’s easy to see why it was so popular. The studio’s first release that best stands on its own two feet is Apex, though.
In contrast to Fortnite and PUBG, Apex Legends’ first year was packed with new heroes, content updates, and unconventional changes to the gameplay that held players’ attention and consistently attracted new players. Each season was a pleasant surprise, whether you became engrossed in the mechanics of a new Legend or were hooked on a new map variation. Even though Apex Legends lacks a flashy visual identity, it is still a must-play Battle Royale contender, so it almost baffles me why such a fantastic experience is even offered for free. You can create a package that is currently challenging to beat by adding a cheap Battle Pass to that.
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to fix the Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug. Fans are excited to see what kind of content will be released in the near future as Apex Legends Season 13 has officially launched worldwide. Apex is currently in one of its best positions in quite some time. However, the infinite loading screen glitch has plagued Apex for a number of months now, so we’re going to discuss how players might be able to fix this problem! Players will not be able to access Apex’s menus due to this glitch; instead, they will be forced to constantly stare at the browser games title screen.