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This tip is about the how to Format an SD Card on Mac. So read this free guide, How to Format an SD Card on Mac step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Format an SD Card on Mac – Guide
SD cards aren’t the most convenient means of transferring data, especially with cloud storage as an alternative, but they still have their uses. Whether it’s a video game console, digital camera or cell phone phone, many portable devices rely on this popular storage format. You can often format an SD card with whatever device you use it on. However, it might be faster to use a computer and you can only use it with a computer anyway. One of the problems with having a camera separate from your iPhone or iPad is that you have to deal with memory cards. Over time, photographers tend to accumulate collections of SD and microSD cards, often filled with images and videos that have not yet been deleted.
After taking pictures of the cards and storing them on other media, for example in cloud-connected apps like Apple’s Photos app, most people don’t bother wiping the card. Instead, they tend to wait until they need to use a blank memory card and then format it to the camera before using it. Formatting an SD card erases the slate by removing all traces of older files. You can also change the file system on an SD card (new or old) so that other devices can read and write to it – including Macs. However, there are risks and you can lose your data or damage your SD card without taking precautions.
How to Format an SD card on Mac
Insert the SD card and go back up the data
For a Mac with an SD card slot, simply insert the card with the metal connector contacts facing down, sliding that side into the slot. For a microSD card, be sure to use a microSD to SD card adapter. If you don’t have a card slot, you’ll need to connect an external device with read and write capability, like the SD card reader in our list of portable tech gadgets.
If you have a card with data you want to save, make sure to back it up up on your Mac or other devices before proceeding. You can double-click the Card icon on your Mac desktop to review its contents. Remember that formatting an SD card means erasing all its data and then formatting it.
Open Disk Utility and select the card
After connecting the SD card to your Mac, open the Disk Utility tool using one of these methods.
Optionally adjust security options
Before erasing and formatting the card, you can optionally choose the security level for wiping the card. Click Erase on the toolbar at the top of the Disk Utility window. When the Erase box opens, click Security Options. You have four options for the level you want to use, from fastest to safest. Move the slider to review each description. When you land on the one you want, click OK.
Erase and format the SD card
Rename your SD card if you wish. Then select the format you want to use from the drop-down list. If you plan to use the card with a digital card camera or the card is 32GB or less, you would normally choose MS-DOS (FAT). Otherwise, select ExFAT. Then click Delete.
It may take a little time for the process to complete, especially if you choose a safer option in step 3 above. You will see the progress as the erasing and formatting takes place. Click Done when the process is complete.
Eject the SD card
Before removing the SD card and basically unplugging it from your Mac, it is safer to properly eject the card. With the Disk Utility window still open, click the Eject icon to the right of the card’s name. If you close Disk Utility, right-click the SD card icon on the desktop and choose Eject. Then remove the card from your Mac or connected reader.
Final note
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