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This tip is about the how to Get Dark Mode Theme on Chrome Android Device. So read this free guide, How to Get Dark Mode Theme on Chrome Android Device step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Get Dark Mode Theme on Chrome Android Device – Guide
Google Chrome has a feature called Dark Mode (or Dark Theme on Android devices) which aims to provide a comfortable web browsing experience in low light conditions. It turns the UI, as well as elements like your homepage, toolbar, and settings, into a dark color scheme to reduce eye strain. It also helps extend battery life, although it’s more of a side case if the device you’re using has an OLED screen. Users of Android and iPhone smartphones as well as Windows and Mac computers can enable dark mode in Chrome browser by following a few simple steps.
It’s been confirmed by Google that using a darker UI instead of the bright white one like Facebook’s latest update requires less battery life, especially if you’re using something with an OLED screen, as the black pixels are completely off. while it’s still up For debate, using dark mode can improve your sleep by reducing your exposure to blue light. Finally, too much blue light can disrupt your circadian rhythm.
How to Enable Dark Theme in Chrome Android?
You can easily enable Chrome dark mode in your browser on any Android phone. The only condition is that your browser needs to be up updated with the latest version.
Here are the steps to enable Chrome in dark mode for your browser:
After changing the theme to dark, you can see the dark screen in the browser. Also, it doesn’t matter if the phone is set to light or dark mode, after this setting Chrome will remain in dark mode.
How to Enable Light Theme in Chrome Android?
The light theme or white theme has been around since the incubation of the Chrome browser. If you don’t like Chrome’s dark mode, you can switch back to light mode in Chrome browser on Android.
Here are the steps to enable light theme in Chrome Android:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Get Dark Mode Theme on Chrome Android Device. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.