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This tip is about the how to Highlight Different Calendars In Outlook Online. So read this free guide, How to Highlight Different Calendars In Outlook Online step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Highlight Different Calendars In Outlook Online – Guide
If you’ve ever seen multiple calendars in one view in Outlook Online, you know how useful it is, but also how cumbersome it can be. Use color and beauty to quickly see which visit is from which calendar. Outlook can display many different calendars in addition to the default calendar. Additional calendars you’ve created, calendars shared by others, calendars from groups you’re a part of, and Planner calendars can all be viewed separately or together. You can also add a default charm to a calendar that will be used whenever you visit that calendar. Click on the three dots next to the calendar in the sidebar and select the Charm button.
When you see multiple calendars together, it’s easy to get lost. Microsoft has made it easy to distinguish between different calendars using color, and you can also add charms – icons on each visit – by default for each calendar and separately for specific events. Outlook does this immediately when it finds a word that matches a spell.
Change the calendar time period
To quickly switch between day, week, or month views: In Calendar Home menu, in the Arrange group, select the desired view. To change work hours, work days, or calendar start day:
Change the color or font of the calendar
To change the background color of the calendar you are viewing:
To change the default background color for all calendars:
To change the calendar font:
If you’ve ever displayed multiple calendars in one view in Outlook Online, you’ll know how useful it is, but also how confusing it can be. Use colors and charms to quickly tell which appointment belongs to which calendar. Outlook can show a variety of different calendars in addition to your default calendar. Additional calendars you’ve created yourself, calendars shared by others, calendars from groups you belong to, and Planner calendars can be viewed individually or together.
When you’re viewing multiple calendars together, it’s easy to get lost a little. Microsoft has made it easy to distinguish between different calendars using color, and you can also add charms – icons on each appointment – by default for each calendar and individually for specific events.
This is done automatically by Outlook when it finds a word that matches a charm. The green appointment has a birthday cake charm because the appointment’s title is “Mike’s Birthday.” The red pledge has a pen and paper amulet because the pledge includes the word “tutorial.” Other terms that will cause an amulet to be automatically added include “dentist”, “doctor”, “vacation” and “car”.
You can manually change a calendar’s default color by clicking the three dots next to the calendar in the sidebar and selecting the “Color” option.
Final note
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