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This tip is about the how To Improve Typing Speed and Accuracy. So read this free guide, How To Improve Typing Speed and Accuracy step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Improve Typing Speed and Accuracy – Guide
Back when I was old school, the way to increase typing speed was to have a vertical book all scribbled with squiggles. This book still haunts me, reminding me of a time when my typing scores per minute (WPM) were compared to other students and posted for all to see. Anyway, I didn’t realize it at the time, but typing quickly and correctly is a skill that has proven absolutely invaluable in every job I’ve ever had.
This allowed me to complete my tasks much faster than I would otherwise and gave me more time to edit and improve my writing. Improving this skill also gave me a lot more time to write for myself in my spare time. So improving your typing speed is a skill that should always be improved, especially if it is part of your job description.
How to improve typing speed and accuracy
Precision takes precedence over speed
When I was learning to type, I spent a lot of time trying to pronounce words ASAP. This turned out to be exactly the wrong approach. I typed really fast and had dozens of typos that took a lot longer to correct than if I had. It is more important to feel comfortable with the keyboard and to type accurately than to type 85 words per minute right at the start. This is mainly because when you get familiar with the keyboard and are confident you’re typing accurately, you’ll get the mental boost you need to type faster without thinking about it.
Stop hitting and jabbing
Hand position is an important part of typing. If you are getting used to computers later in life, this hand position may not come naturally to you. There’s nothing wrong with that! Many people who are not sure how to type tend to type using what is called the “hunt and sting” method. In this maneuver, a person scans the keyboard for the correct letter to be added and then taps the keyboard with a single finger. This is repeated until the person finishes typing or their colleagues file a formal complaint.
There’s no shame in starting like this. However, if you learn to type with your hands in the correct position, your fingers can reach multiple keys much faster and exponentially increase your typing speed. As you type, your thumbs should rest on the spacebar. The four fingers of the right hand should play the keys H, J, K and L, and the four fingers of the left hand should play the keys A, S, D and F.
Note where your palms are and try not to move them more than half an inch as you extend your fingers to reach the keyboard keys. The next time you need to type something, try to force your hands to stay that way and reach all the keys you need by slightly stretching your fingers. At first it won’t look natural, but over time this typing position will look natural.
practice this sentence
In the English language, there is a short phrase that includes all the letters of the alphabet: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. I recommend that you learn to type this sentence without looking, because as soon as you learn, you will know where each letter of the alphabet is on the keyboard because you will know by heart. it’s a stranger trickbut effective.
Set specific goals
Most people who say they want to increase their typing speed don’t elaborate on their goal. This is similar to someone saying they want to get in better shape. It’s a big goal to strive for, but much easier to achieve if you make it really specific. What exactly do you want to accomplish with your typing?
Some examples of goals might be passing a specific test with more than 65 words per minute, typing an entire internal memo without looking up, or transcribe the dictation for more than 5 minutes with less than 5 errors. Whatever it takes for you to become a better and faster typist, if you set a clear goal and achieve it by meeting certain standards, you will succeed. It is also very useful to set specific rewards for achieving these goals, such as a new game app or a delicious latte at your local cafe.
Use tests and online resources
The most obvious typing tip anyone can give you is practice, practice, practice. However, as I prefer to give concrete and immediately useful advice, I have compiled some great tests, games and lessons that I have used when trying to increase my typing speed:
These are all sites that I have personally used and benefited from a lot. How many. Last time I measured, my typing speed was above 90 words per minute. THE tips in this article and these tests have made my typing speed what it is today, and that’s what I want for you. I recommend you start with the third link because the lessons for beginners in typing are clear and concise.
Stretch your hands, neck and shoulders.
One of the reasons you may be typing too slowly is pain in your wrists, neck, shoulders, or back. we already covered how to get rid of back pain while working at your desk, but it’s just as important to take care of your wrists. Even if you were the best typist in the world otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to write 50 words per minute with sore wrists. I’m going to link you to some amazing wrist, neck, and shoulder stretches that you should do at least once an hour to prevent muscle pain and increase your optimal typing speed.
Final note
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