Dota 2 can be rewarding when played correctly and with the right teammates. A good win can make your entire day because of the rush of dopamine it provides, but the inverse is also possible. One bad game can ruin your mood for the remainder of your matches. This could be due to mistakes you make during the game or a disparity in competence between your teammates and your opponents.
Whatever the reason, some players lose their cool and lash out at times. This can result in random outbursts, which are understandably unwelcome by their teammates. Outbursts can disrupt team cohesion and make the game worse than it would have been if the teammate had remained calm and worked through their emotions. However, as we all know, this is not always feasible. We have mentioned steps below to Increase Behavior Score in Dota 2
How to Increase Behavior Score in Dota 2
You can’t always avoid having a bad day. Try not to take your frustrations out on your teammates, who are only trying to have fun. Instead of using the ping feature, limit your communication to calls about going for ganks or taking objectives.
Maintain the spirits of your teammates by praising good plays and encouraging them to do more of the same, rather than criticising their mistakes. Remember that we’re all human, and making mistakes is perfectly normal. That is how everyone discovers and improves their limits.
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Increase Behavior Score in Dota 2. It is a score for your Dota 2 performance/behavior. It’s similar to the evaluation grades you got in preschool or primary school for your performance and behaviour – N for Naughty, G for Great, or something along those lines. It’s a similar concept here.