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This tip is about the how to Insert a “Mark as Read” Button to Gmail Notifications with AutoNotification. So read this free guide, How to Insert a “Mark as Read” Button to Gmail Notifications with AutoNotification step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Insert a “Mark as Read” Button to Gmail Notifications with AutoNotification – Guide
Automatic notification allows you to mark Gmail messages as read without storing them directly in the Android notification panel. This is useful as it is often easier to check an entire email than an alert. The Gmail Android app currently only allows you to file or reply to messages from the notification panel, neither of which may be useful for some messages, so the app blocks these alerts and “reads” them on board. Display a custom notification with buttons. It works with multiple Gmail accounts and you can add as many of them as you like.
Mark as Read Button to Gmail
As you can see above, the original Gmail notification on the left shows the contents of the email, but it only allows me to archive (or delete, depending on your settings in the Gmail app) or reply to the message. On the right, we can see a clone of the Gmail notification created by AutoNotification that has all the same details and buttons but adds an additional “Mark as read” button. This button does exactly what you would expect it to do. It simply sends a “read” message to Gmail so that it marks that specific email as read. Here is a video demo from the developer.
This is not the first app that adds this feature. There is an old app on the Play Store called “MarkAsRead for Gmail” which is basically abandoned, didn’t work for me and only supports a single Gmail account. On the other hand, AutoNotification is constantly updated by its developer and its Mark as Read feature supports multiple Gmail accounts.
I originally sent a message to Mr. Dias about adding this feature for the AutoNotification app last month, and I’ve tested that app without any issues over the last week. If you’re as bothered as I am about not having one button to quickly mark new email messages as read without opening the Gmail app, then try the latest Auto Notification beta update.
How to download
THE feature can be found in AutoNotification beta v3.3.1b which was just released today. To join the beta, you need to join the AutoApps Google+ group here to be eligible to subscribe up for the beta program listed here. Once you’ve done that, you can simply download AutoNotification from the Play Store. Just make sure it’s version 3.3.1b otherwise it won’t have the Gmail tag as read feature.
THE feature requires a $0.99 in-app purchase to use it beyond the 7-day trial period. If you’ve purchased AutoNotification before, such as when trying to retrieve notification importance controls in Android Oreo, you won’t have to pay for it feature in addition to the full license you have already purchased.
How it works
In fact, the app uses a Notification Listener service on Android to intercept Gmail notifications from your selected Google accounts. The app uses the Gmail API to send a “read” message based on the timestamp of when the original email notification appears up in your notifications, filtering by the content of the original message so that it matches the correct one.
This is not 100% accurate because there may be some delay between when Gmail’s servers register the timestamp of your message and when it appears up in your notifications, so instead AutoNotification sends a range of times between which it suspects the email was sent. Most of the time, this is enough to mark the correct email as read, but if your inbox is full of consecutive emails sent one minute apart, there could be a rare occurrence of it not working. That’s why the feature it’s still in beta.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Insert a “Mark as Read” Button to Gmail Notifications with AutoNotification. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.