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This tip is about the how To Make Laptop Last Longer. So read this free guide, How To Make Laptop Last Longer step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Make Laptop Last Longer – Guide
If people refuse to touch your laptop without PPE, this is a sign that it should be cleaned. You can try holding a sheet of plastic wrap between your fingers and the keyboard when you want to play up in someone else’s beautiful laptop computer and no need to waste disposable protective gloves.
How to make Laptop Lasts longer
Keep it CURRENT. Keep your operating systems, applications and virus protection all up Until the present date. Think of these updates as ongoing tweaks rather than nuisances. Set your computer to update everything automatically so you don’t even have to think about it.
Keep it CLEAN OUTSIDE. Gunk can get into your computer dust, dirt, hair, crumbs, coffee. None of this is helpful, and it can be quite harmful, especially when it prevents the fan from doing its job. Of course, it’s best not to let the goo in to get so close to yours. laptop when you are not using it and keep food and drink away. Some dirt is unavoidable, so clean it regularly with the proper tools. Or take it to a professional.
Keep it CLEAN INSIDE. If your Windows laptop has a hard drive and not a solid state drive (SSD), maintain the most efficient performance by defragmenting it about once a month using the disk optimization tool. By default, Windows 10 defrags weekly, but you can do it yourself if you notice your machine is slow. (Macs no longer need manual defragmentation). Also, delete all unwanted files and folders and uninstall apps you are not using. Adding RAM also helps. When your computer has fewer items to dig through and more RAM to work with, there’s less pressure on your parts and your computer will last longer.
Keep Calm. Don’t let your baby burn up! There’s a reason data centers are kept uncomfortably cold (for humans, at least). Your computer doesn’t like sunlight or things that block its vents, as overheating shortens the life of components. A nice computer is a more durable computer.
Keep it CONSISTENT. do you like to be chosen up and moved when you’re in the middle of doing something? Not your computer. This is less of an issue with solid state drives because they don’t spin like hard drives, but it’s best to have all computers put to sleep (or turned off) before shipping them.
Keep it PAD. Carry it in a padded case. Don’t knock or drop or put things on top, even if you have a “hard” laptop, those tiny pieces under the case aren’t super tough. And don’t carry your open laptop by your screen. These hinges were not built to support a lot of weight.
Keep the CORD in good condition. It’s easy to forget to treat your power cord kindly. We’re always rolling them up and tucking them into the side pockets. But the gaskets and connectors can be easily damaged. So don’t pull, bump, or bend them in ways they shouldn’t bend. Also, use a surge protector whenever possible. It only takes a nasty spike of energy to understand why.
Keep it CONTINUOUS when using. Every time you turn on your computer, you stress it out a little. To reduce hardware wear and tear, leave it on all day if you’re using it throughout the day or even occasionally, don’t cycle it on and off. Once a day is fine. If you are not going to use it for a while, turn it off permanently, close it and put it somewhere cool.
Continue FIXING the issues that arise up by the way. Does anything look different on your computer? Are you behaving strangely? Slowly? Just weird? Then talk to tech support or get it fixed. Problems rarely get better on their own, and ignoring small problems can lead to bigger problems. Maybe even at the worst possible time.
CONNECT your laptop to a high-quality surge protector whenever possible. Choose a portable version for when you need power up away from your usual surge protector. An outbreak can really fry your laptop or your modem and router as well.
Final note
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