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This tip is about the how to Mute Microphone on Google Smart Speaker or Display. So read this free guide, How to Mute Microphone on Google Smart Speaker or Display step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Mute Microphone on Google Smart Speaker or Display – Guide
Google Assistant’s smart speaker and display are designed to hear and respond to voice commands. However, you may not always want to listen to Google Home or Nest. That’s where the mute button comes in. Smart speakers are low-cost and easy-to-use entry-level devices in the world of smart appliances. But what makes them so accessible – cloud-based artificial intelligence processing of your voice requests – can also raise privacy concerns. As researchers at Northeastern University in Boston have shown, smart speakers often start recording by accident after misunderstanding device activation.up word, but they also usually stop within seconds.
That might be some consolation. However, the three main companies behind smart speaker technology – Amazon, Apple and Google – are also known for allowing their employees or outside contractors to listen to recordings stored on their servers to improve the devices’ voice recognition performance. . And that’s something many consumers probably don’t know, privacy advocates say. “There’s a difference between processing in the cloud and human intervention,” said Justin Brookman, director of privacy and technology policy at Consumer Reports.
“People can talk to a machine differently if they know a human can hear them. The good news is that it’s easy to improve privacy on a smart speaker. You can easily mute your device’s microphone when not in use and delete previously recorded interactions. Companies have also improved privacy settings that determine how the device records and what happens to those recordings. Below you will learn how to adjust these important privacy settings on your smart speaker.
mute the microphone
Final note
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