Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to Open Chrome Incognito Mode. So read this free guide, How to Open Chrome Incognito Mode step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Open Chrome Incognito Mode – Guide
Incognito mode is used to avoid saving third-party cookies, cache and helps to browse the Internet safely. Some of you use Chrome’s incognito mode a lot instead of the default mode. It’s very easy to open the incognito window whenever you need it. But you must be wondering how to make Google Chrome’s incognito mode the default browser mode. This means that whenever you open Chrome, it will automatically open in incognito mode instead of normal mode. Let’s see how we can do this. Create a new shortcut for Google Chrome on your desktop. You will not be able to modify the Chrome shortcut that is on the Start menu or taskbar, but you can create a special shortcut in incognito mode to the desktop. Here’s an easy way to do that.
How to Open Chrome’s Incognito Mode
For example: “C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe” -incognito
Final note
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