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This tip is about the how to Pair Firestick Remote. So read this free guide, How to Pair Firestick Remote step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Pair Firestick Remote – Guide
The Amazon Fire TV Stick turns an ordinary TV into a Smart TV. But it won’t be that smart if your remote doesn’t work. Out of the box, your remote must be paired with the Fire TV Stick after setup. However, your remote can sometimes lose connection. Here are several ways to manually pair your Fire TV Stick remote and how to use your smartphone as a remote control. To quickly pair an Amazon Fire TV Stick remote, press and hold the Home button for 10 seconds or until the light on top of the remote starts flashing rapidly. You will see a message on the screen or the light on your remote will flash blue three times when it is paired.
To reset a Fire TV remote, disconnect your Fire TV device for 60 seconds. Then press Left, Menu and Back buttons on the remote control for 12 seconds. Then remove the batteries, connect your Fire TV device and wait 60 seconds. Finally, insert the batteries and press the button home button. To pair a Fire Stick remote, you must restart the Fire Stick and put the remote in pairing mode while the Fire Stick is booting up up again. Once the Fire Stick boots back up it will pair with the remote.
How to pair a firestick remote
How to add or replace a Firestick remote
How to Pair a Firestick Remote When You Lost Your Old One
If you don’t have a working paired remote, you can use your phone as a remote to connect your new Firestick remote:
How to pair a non-firestick remote
Your remote’s user manual should tell you what kind of Bluetooth profile it uses and might even tell you if it’s compatible with your Amazon Fire TV.
If it’s compatible, here it is how to Pair your remote:
Final note
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