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This tip is about the how to Pin/Unpin Extensions from Google Chrome Toolbar. So read this free guide, How to Pin/Unpin Extensions from Google Chrome Toolbar step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Pin/Unpin Extensions from Google Chrome Toolbar – Guide
Chrome extensions can be very useful because they allow you to add features to your browser. However, if you have a lot of extensions installed, your toolbar might look cluttered and you might not be able to find what you want. Fortunately, you can choose which extensions to pin to Chrome’s toolbar and which to hide from the extensions menu. In 2019, Google added a new extension menu to the Chrome browser. The menu, accessible via a small puzzle icon near the address bar, allows users to access all of their extensions from one place. Users can also choose which extensions will be pinned to the toolbar and which will be nested in the extensions menu.
This is great, but recently Google has changed the way extensions are pinned to the toolbar for some users. You may have noticed that after a recent Chrome update, all your extensions suddenly disappeared from the toolbar. Or maybe you haven’t noticed any changes! Regardless of whether you are (still) affected by the changes in Chrome, the good news is that you can easily manage your extensions (including pinning and unpinning extensions in your browser) via Chrome’s new extensions menu.
How to Pin/Unpin extensions from Chrome toolbar
How to Pin/Unpin an Extension in Chrome on a Windows PC
Unpinned extensions are not inactive. To use an unpinned extension
How to Pin/Unpin an Extension in Chrome on a Mac
Unpinned extensions are not inactive. To use an unpinned extension:
How to Pin/Unpin a Chrome Extension on a Chromebook
Unpinned extensions are not inactive. To use an unpinned extension:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Pin/Unpin Extensions from Google Chrome Toolbar. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.