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How to Prepare Android Device – Guide
Losing a device can be sad and there is the added concern of data theft. ET tells you the best way to define up your device to increase the chances of recovery if it is lost or stolen.
Use strong password protection
This is your first and strongest line of defense. The majority phones today offer some form of biometric authentication, a way to conveniently unlock your device with a fingerprint or facial recognition technology. But you still need a strong password, because one that is easy to guess can unlock your password. phone and allow someone to override biometric safeguards. Even better, as Samsung notes on its blog, using biometrics “frees you up to set an extra strong password as you won’t have to constantly type it.”
Skip the simple 4-digit PIN and instead create a strong password that contains a string of at least eight characters that includes some combination of unrecognizable letters, numbers and special characters words or phrases, especially those that may be associated with you. For example, Freddy1969 is a weak password, but f?EDD!9691 can be much harder to crack. if your phone cannot be unlocked with your finger or face or you prefer not to use biometric authentication the good news is that entering a non-trivial password gets easier with practice.
Password protection comes with other protection. After several unsuccessful attempts to enter a password, some phones will lock your device for a short time before you can try again. There is also a setting on the latest Android and Apple phones which automatically erases all your personal data after 10 unsuccessful login attempts. if your phone offers this option, here it is how to activate it. Just make sure you keep backups (see Step 4).
The same GPS and network connections that help your phone find the best nearby restaurants and the fastest way home can help you locate and secure this phone must miss. To make the most of this, the phone must be turned on and have a cellular or WiFi connection, although the phone can be traceable to the last recorded location when it was powered on up. Location tracking (GPS) must also be turned on to find the phone on a map. To enable this setting:
You might not love the idea of screwing up your phone, but this can increase your chances of getting it back if found by an honest person. Stick a small note to the back of your phone or your case with your email address or a work number. In our informal tests, printing an email address in a small font and sticking it with a small strip of masking tape worked well on smooth metal or plastic surfaces.
On rubbery or rough surfaces, carefully write this information, using a fine-tip permanent marker, on a small strip of duct tape or electrical tape, which adheres best to these surfaces. Choose a location in phone that is less likely to receive constant friction from your palm or fingers. on android phones, you can also type this message in the Owner Information section of the Security submenu in Settings. But if you erase the contents of your phone, this message will disappear.
Back Up Your photos and videos
Phone carriers, phone manufacturers and operating systems typically offer free wireless backup for photos, settings, and more. These options usually appear when you set up The phone for the first time, although you can always activate them later. Selecting a carrier-neutral source such as Apple’s iCloud or Android’s Google Drive will make it easier for you to recover your precious memories in the next phone be from another carrier. Check out our comparison of cloud storage and backup options.
Write down your PhoneUnique identification number of
Smartphones have a unique serial number known as IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) or MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier). Unlike other identifying information stored on the phone’s removable SIM card, these numbers are etched into its circuitry and are difficult to change. Your mobile operator already has this number registered and can use it to place the phone in a foul phone List. Some police departments ask for one of these numbers when you report a theft. phone so they can return it if it is recovered. To find your phone’s unique IMEI or MEID number, use any of these steps below:
The sooner you act, the better your chances of recovering your phone or protecting your data. Here are the main actions to take.
Seek and (possibly) destroy
Because thieves are likely to turn off the phone quickly remove the SIM card or place it in a room or box protected from wireless connections, it is imperative that the minute you learn your phone is missing, you send commands that you think are appropriate. Time is also essential because this step requires your phone be on and have some battery life. As soon as possible, call or text your phone from another device. This might be all you need if your phone it’s just misplaced nearby. Then log into your Find My Phone service from a secure device.
for an android phone, access Google’s Find My Device in a browser. For an iPhone, go to iCloud Find My iPhone. Use the service to make your phone play a sound. You can also lock the screen and display a message to someone who finds your phone. An honest person may come across your device and notify you via the on-screen or recorded contact information on your device. phone. if you think phone may have fallen into the wrong hands, you can erase the data remotely using Find My Device or Find My iPhone.
Report the loss to your service provider
inform your mobile operator that your phone was lost or stolen. He may suspend service to prevent anyone from using the device on his network and possibly mark the phone as unusable even on a new carrier or with a different SIM card. Please note that your device will still be usable over Wi-Fi. You can notify your provider by going to one of their stores, calling or going to their website.
Change your important passwords
As soon as you realize your phone is away and potentially in danger of falling into someone else’s hands, go to your computer or other secure device, log in to any accounts you had on your phone (banking, shopping, email, etc.) and change your passwords. Start with your email account and the financial and shopping accounts that have your credit card on file, like Amazon or your bank, and quickly move to social media. if you defined up a password manager, this task will be easy. If you’re not already using a password manager, now is a great time to start.
Report the loss to the police and file an insurance claim (if you are covered)
Notifying the police not only initiates an official recovery attempt, it also helps to speed it up. up the process of making an insurance claim (if you have an insurance plan for your phone). You may also need a police report to dispute fraudulent credit card charges, and some credit card issuers will reimburse you for a theft. phone.
Final note
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