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This tip is about the how to print from iphone to canon/any printer. So read this free guide, How to print from iphone to canon/any printer step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to print from iphone to canon/any printer – Guide
Canon is an internationally renowned company that deals in the manufacture of imaging and optical products. Currently, there is a lot of excitement about Canon printers in the market because of their exceptional print quality. If you want to print from your Canon printer by connecting your iPhone, check below How to print from your iPhone to a Canon printer.
AirPrint is an awesome tool when it comes to wireless printing from iPhone, iPad or iPod. Thereby feature, you can print documents, emails, photos and web pages from an Apple device by connecting it directly to your Canon printer without installing any drivers. The first thing to do is check the user environment. To use AirPrint feature, the user must have an iPad, iPhone or iPod. Another important point is that your Canon printer must be connected to the same wireless network and after following these simple steps.
How to print from iPhone and iPad
Printing with an AirPrint printer
How to print from an iPhone without AirPrint
Final note
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