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This tip is about the how to prioritize notifications in Windows 10 Action Center. So read this free guide, How to prioritize notifications in Windows 10 Action Center step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to prioritize notifications in Windows 10 Action Center – Guide
You may have remembered the old days when old toast pop-ups appeared up with new information. Action Center perspectives and designs have changed as each build and release has been released. Nowadays you can measure pending app notifications that are most worthwhile to you. In the next lines, we will explain how to prioritize app notifications in Windows 10 Action Center. First of all, you should know what has priority in terms of app notifications when talking about Windows 10. The priority belongs to the region in the Action Center.
Three priority levels are given -1. superior, 2nd high and 3rd normal. Notifications for each app with the highest priority are displayed in the top pane of the Action Center. You’ll see notifications for high priority apps just below top previous apps. and app notifications with normal priority are in the lowest region. The dashboard in the Action Center is comparable and is not allocated or split for app notifications. Top priority apps show their notifications at the top, high priority notifications just below, and normal priority apps show their notifications at the bottom.
How to enable and disable notifications for specific apps
Tired of seeing notifications from a certain app? Disable them completely. Can’t figure out why you’re not getting notifications from another app? Make sure they are enabled. Here’s how.
How to change notification priority
If you always need to see notifications for a certain app, you can change its priority. Here it is how to Knife.
How to change how many notifications are displayed in the action center
The default number of notifications that will be displayed in the action center of a single app is three. If that doesn’t seem like enough, you can change how many shows.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to prioritize notifications in Windows 10 Action Center. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.