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This tip is about the how to remove ads from a Xiaomi smartphone. So read this free guide, How to remove ads from a Xiaomi smartphone step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to remove ads from a Xiaomi smartphone – Guide
Xiaomi’s decision to place ads on its UI came as an irritating surprise in 2018. Considering that Xiaomi holds 12.4% of the global smartphone market and most of its devices run MIUI, we know that this has affected many of you. Similar to Google and Amazon, Xiaomi doesn’t see itself as a hardware manufacturer, but as an internet company that produces hardware. The company has promised to cap hardware profit margins by 5% forever. This means (similar to the other tech giants) that Xiaomi needs to make money in different ways. One of them offers add-ons, additional services, and ad revenue.
You may or may not believe Xiaomi’s structure, but the company’s low prices are most welcome. Amazon takes a similar approach with its business model, but it also offers ad-free versions of its products at a higher price. In the meantime, there’s no way to get a Xiaomi phone no ads, even if you want to pay more for it. But hardware isn’t the only source of income; Targeted advertising also largely contributes to overall sales. The nasty and intrusive system ads on MIUI confirm this. Basically, ads on MIUI 12 are not going anywhere.
How to remove ads from a Xiaomi smartphone
Disable ads by revoking authorization for MSA
MSA—MIUI System Ads—is a service that delivers ads in the standard MIUI apps. So, the first step is to disable MSA ads by revoking authorization for them. Since MSA is a system application, you will not find it in the Home Screen. So what you need to do is:
Disable ads in the GetApps store
GetApps is Xiaomi’s app store with many useful apps for Android devices. To stop seeing ads in games and apps from this app store:
Opt out of personalized ads through ad services
Xiaomi phones they also deliver targeted ads in the form of personalized recommendations. This is How to easily remove them by disabling ad services:
Disable ads in pre-installed apps
It is not enough to disable ads in MSA and Ad Services. You also need to stop ads for specific apps that come pre-installed on your Xiaomi phone.
Disable music app ads
The Music app has a variety of features but it also shows a lot of ads when you launch it as well as personalized recommendations. To enjoy the Music app without interruption, follow the steps below to disable ads:
Remove ads from security app
Follow these simple steps to disable ads in the Security app:
Disable Ads from Themes app
The Themes app has lots of cool wallpapers and themes, but also recommendations that it shows from time to time. To disable Themes app ads:
Disable MI file manager ads
Essential File Manager app also shows up ads that can be annoying. Follow the steps below to disable these ads:
Disable app downloads ads
The Downloads app also displays recommended content from time to time. Here’s How to disable this:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to remove ads from a Xiaomi smartphone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.