This tip is about the how to Resize images with Automator Quick Action on Mac. So read this free guide, How to Resize images with Automator Quick Action on Mac step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Resize images with Automator Quick Action on Mac – Guide
I often need to resize dozens of images to a specific size for upload. As it is an integral part of my workflow, I wanted to make the whole process a little smoother and also less time consuming. First, I checked out some third-party photo editing apps, but I wasn’t too happy with the results. Ultimately, my need for productivity led me to find a quick way to resize images with Automator Quick Action on Mac. I’m in love with this new hack and want to share it with you. So if your workflow is similar to mine, this is a great way to quickly resize images using Automator’s quick action on your Mac.
As you may have guessed, let’s start by defining up a quick action to resize images using the Automator application. Since it’s a stock app, you don’t have to worry about installing a third-party tool or even shelling out a few bucks. Speaking of reliability, you can use this trick to resize a single image or multiple images at once on your macOS device in just a few clicks. It works just as well as the dark/light mode switch we’re building with Automator. In addition, there is also an option to assign a keyboard shortcut for an easier experience. Since Automator has been around on Mac for years, you won’t face any incompatibility issues either.
Final note
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