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This tip is about the how to save mobile data when using social networking applications. So read this free guide, How to save mobile data when using social networking applications step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to save mobile data when using social networking applications – Guide
most cells phone users install nothing less than a social networking app on their devices. Specifically, apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat consume massive amounts of data when you browse News Feed, watch videos, or upload photos. mobile Dice? It would be a misuse of money. so how to save them? Follow the article below!
How to to save mobile data when using social networking apps
the Facebook
It is estimated that Facebook has approximately 1.3 billion active users. It is safe to say that many of these users have the Facebook app installed on their smartphones. The Facebook app has a setting that can help you save that precious mobile data aptly called the “Data Economy”. With this setting enabled, Facebook compresses the images that appear in your feed. Also, it automatically stops the autoplay of any video. This can significantly help decrease the amount of data the application processes. Sounds good, right? Fortunately, it’s super easy to activate.
Open the Facebook app and take a look at the top right corner. You should see an icon that looks like three lines stacked on top of each other. Tap it to open the Facebook menu. You’ll see a variety of settings that you can play around with. Scroll down and look for what’s labeled “Data Savings”. Go ahead and tap on it.
You will see a single option called “Data Saver On”. Enabling it will bring up another option labeled “Always turn off data saving on WiFi”. By default this option will be enabled. If you are on a limited WiFi connection and want to save data while using WiFi, please disable this option.
Instagram is another data-heavy app. It’s very easy to consume large amounts of data by casually scrolling through your feed. To save some of your data without restricting your habit, click up the Instagram app and open your profile. From here you’ll want to navigate to the “Options” menu by tapping the gear icon. Note that some users may see three dots stacked on top of each other instead of a gear. Either way, you should see the Options menu. From here, scroll down until you see “Mobile/Use of cellular data.” Tapping will take you to a new screen with a single option labeled, appropriately, “Use less data”. Tap on it to activate it.
Unlike Facebook, Instagram doesn’t go into much detail about how this works. feature work. Instead, it’s super vague, just telling users that turning the feature may affect your overall experience. However, it does mention that images and videos may take longer to load. Finally, the “Use less data” feature is only activated when you are on mobile/mobile connection. When connected to WiFi, the “Use less data” feature will be automatically disabled.
By default, Snapchat automatically downloads the Snaps you receive and the Stories your friends post. As you might have guessed, this can quickly burn your data. Just like Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat has a data saving tool built into the app dubbed “Travel Mode”. Enabling Travel Mode will prevent Snaps and Stories from being automatically downloaded. Instead, you’ll have to tap on each individual Snap and Story to download it.
To activate Travel Mode, open up the Snapchat app and tap the gear icon in the top right corner. This will take you to the Settings menu. Scroll down until you find “Additional Services”. Under the “Additional Services” heading, tap “Manage”. This will take you to a new screen where you will find the “Travel Mode” option. Tap the Travel Mode toggle to enable it. Unlike Facebook, Snapchat does not offer the option to use Travel Mode when connected to Wi-Fi. This means that Snaps and Stories will be automatically downloaded when connected to a WiFi network.
Final note
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