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This tip is about the how to search for a song name without knowing lyrics. So read this free guide, How to search for a song name without knowing lyrics step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to search for a song name without knowing lyrics – Guide
Many people regularly listen to beautiful music while driving a car or sitting in a restaurant. You want to buy a copy of the album, but you don’t have the right words. So how can you find out what song it is? You hear it occasionally, but the DJ never mentions the name or title of the song. unless you know some words by the lyrics of the album or if you have any idea who the singer or band is, search engines like Google or Bing won’t help much. So how can you find out what this beautiful song is called.
This happens all the time. You’re sitting with friends at a restaurant or driving to work and there’s good music playing on the FM radio station. You would like to buy a copy of this music album for yourself, but the problem is that you didn’t get the lyrics. So how did you find out the name of this song?
So, without further ado, here are the different ways to identify songs without knowing the lyrics:
Use music tag apps like Shazam
Chances are, you already know Shazam well. The popular song tag app lets you tag songs with one tap. Just click on “Ring for Shazam” button and the app will start listening to music to identify it. Once identified, the app will provide options to share, stream the music on a third-party music app available in your country, show the video and lyrics when available. The app also allows you to follow artists and discover new music, making it arguably the best music tag app.
Try Google Now or Siri or Cortana
Did you know that Android (Google Now), iOS (Siri) and Windows (Cortana) voice assistants come with music tag features built in. Yes, that’s right, they do! Here it is how to use them:
Google now
It’s easy to identify songs on Google Now. Just say the hotword “Ok Google” to activate the voice search and ask “What song is this?” or you can simply tap the music icon available in the lower right corner when starting a voice search. Then Google will start listening to the song and when the song is tagged it will bring up various details about the song along with an option to buy the track on Google Play Music. All your music searches are saved and you can check them on the Google Play Music Search page.
The “What song is this?” The command brings up the Play Music purchase link only in countries where Google Play Music is available, such as USA, Australia, Italy, Japan, etc. If Play Music isn’t available in your country, Google Now will still identify a song when you tap the song button but there will be no purchase link.
Apple’s Siri lets you easily identify songs, thanks to Siri-Shazam integration introduced with iOS 8 a few years ago. To get started, just ask Siri “What song is this?” or “Name the song” and Siri will present the details of the song, along with a link to buy it from the iTunes Music Store.
Microsoft’s virtual assistant, Cortana, also brings the ability to identify music on Windows and Windows Phone devices. Just say “What song is this?” or just click on the song button in the upper right corner of Cortana to trigger song identification. Once the song is found in the database, Cortana will present the song details along with the Groove Music purchase link.
Try tapping in time to identify the song
Musipedia, as the name suggests, is a Wikipedia-inspired web portal that allows you to search for music in a variety of ways. The portal features tons of searchable and editable music collections. There are options for finding a song by tapping the rhythm, which basically means that you can try to match the rhythm of the song you are looking for by playing the keyboard in a similar pattern. The site also lets you whistle the song over the microphone or play an instant piano to identify a song.
Although everything looks cool, it’s always hard to match up a rhythm through the keyboard. For those who understand music, there’s also Keyboard Lookup, which simulates the various keyboard keys on a real music keyboard for better musical identification.
Final note
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