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This tip is about the how to Search Gmail By Date. So read this free guide, How to Search Gmail By Date step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Search Gmail By Date – Guide
Gmail is a Google product, and Google has mastered the art of search, so it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that Gmail has some amazing built-in search tools to make finding those lost messages easy. Be sure to check out our Gmail filters guide for more Gmail research tipsbut for this article we will delve into an important feature: how to search by date in Gmail. If you’re trying to find old email, Gmail offers a number of parameters you can use to narrow your search, including recipient name, subject line, and file size, among many others.
Knowing the exact date — or even approximate time — that you received the email will also help you find past messages more easily. If you’re looking for an email by date, use the search bar at the top of the Gmail dashboard. Just type the appropriate text/numbers and press Enter. This query finds emails older than five days. Feel free to replace 5 with any number. Also substitute d for m for months and y for years if you wish.
Search for emails older than the specified days, months, or years
Search for emails newer than the specified days
Search for emails received after/before a specific date
How to Find emails received between specific dates
Final note
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