Have you ever tried to send a voice message in Messages on your iPhone? you’ll agree that it wasn’t Apple’s best design decision. Sending longer voice messages was a downright miserable experience. In case you don’t know what we’re talking about, here’s a little refresher: to record voicemails in Message, you had to hold down the voicemail icon.
As soon as you lift your finger, the recording stops. And if you didn’t lift your finger on purpose, you either had to discard the recording and start over, or send multiple canceled recordings. But there’s good news, too: Apple has redesigned the voice messaging feature in iOS 16.
It’s no longer necessary to hold down the voicemail button. But the icon has been moved to a new location. If you couldn’t figure out how to send a voice message in Message for this reason, don’t worry. Here’s everything you need to know. We have mentioned steps below to Send Voice Message on iPhone
Steps to Send Voice Message on iPhone
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to Send Voice Message on iPhone. You may leave a voicemail for stuff like this and a lot more. It is simple to record your own or another person’s speech and send it to them through SMS, where they may keep it.