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This tip is about the how To SetUp Android Phone For An Emergency. So read this free guide, How To SetUp Android Phone For An Emergency step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To SetUp Android Phone For An Emergency – Guide
Have you ever thought about what would happen if you were involved in a serious fall, a vehicle accident, or any emergency circumstance where you couldn’t talk to first responders? Given how often we’re bombarded with frightening news, it probably crossed your mind. And, just in case, you may have concluded that this configuration up an ICE contact (in case of emergency) on your phone it is the wisest course of action. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to be enough.
To prevent important information from falling into the wrong hands, you should always protect your phone. However, having an ICE number in your contacts will not help you because the person who has yours phone must know how to unlock it to discover this information. A police officer who wants to call a family member or an ER doctor who needs to know your blood type will not be able to enter your phone.
Fortunately, most modern smartphones include a feature that lets you enter ICE data, such as emergency contacts and essential medical information, into your phone lock screen. Even if it doesn’t, there is a simple workaround.
How to to define up an iPhone emergency contact
Follow these steps to set it up. up:
How to to define up an Android emergency contact
There are a few ways to define up ICE contact information on an Android phone. First, you can add your information to emergency information. feature:
Another option is to add your ICE information directly to the lock screen. Android lets you put any message you like on the lock screen:
Final note
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