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This tip is about the how to share google maps live location on android phone. So read this free guide, How to share google maps live location on android phone step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
Google Maps has a feature which lets you share your Android device’s location with your contacts – a great benefit for meeting in unfamiliar places. Google Maps makes it easy to share your location or send directions. With a few taps of the finger, you can organize a spontaneous meeting with friends or accompany your loved ones. Even if you live remotely, you can share unmarked locations and easily direct people to that cool flower you saw yesterday. Users can use this feature to keep an eye on your family members or friends for their safety. WhatsApp also has feature called Live Location Sharing, but the only downside of feature is that it is not supported on PC.
Google Maps supports sharing with numerous applications. So if you want to send your location to a contact on Facebook or WhatsApp, it’s as easy as sending it to a contact on your phone. It introduced an eco-friendly route option in the US to help users get to their destination quickly by optimizing the route for better fuel economy. Google also announced live navigation for cyclists.
This feature allows users to view important details about their route without leaving the screen on or entering turn-by-turn navigation. Additionally, Google has introduced bike and scooter sharing information to Google Maps. This feature allows people in 300 cities around the world to determine the number of vehicles available at a station at any given time.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to share google maps live location on android phone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.