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This tip is about the how to Share Internet Connection Between Two Windows PCs. So read this free guide, How to Share Internet Connection Between Two Windows PCs step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
You can share an internet/network connection from your PC to an Ethernet gateway on a Windows 10 PC if your PC has at least one Ethernet port and another network adapter (usually Wi-Fi). The most common setup is to share a Wi-Fi connection with the Ethernet port. This can be useful if you don’t have a DHCP-enabled router that you can connect the Ethernet gateway to (as the Ethernet gateway works with DHCP enabled by default).
In many situations, you can connect all your devices to the same WiFi network, so getting them online will not be a problem. But what happens if one of your devices can’t access the connection, either because it doesn’t have WiFi, there’s no WiFi available, or access is restricted (like in a hotel that only allows one connection per room)? Fortunately, you can easily share your Internet connection in Windows 10, either through a direct Ethernet connection or by turning your host PC into a hotspot. The client device doesn’t even need to be running Windows.
First up, it’s worth establishing that, for standard Internet sharing purposes, Internet Connection Sharing and network bridging serve a virtually identical function, with nearly identical results when we tested the speeds of both connections. Just in case one doesn’t work for you, here it is. how to do it using both methods.
Internet connection sharing
network bridge
Final note
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