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This tip is about the how to switch from Android to iPhone. So read this free guide, How to switch from Android to iPhone step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to switch from Android to iPhone – Guide
Switching from Android to iOS can be tricky – you’re not simply switching to another gadget, you’re switching to a completely new framework. However, it turns out that the actual change might actually be the simplest part. In 2015, Apple introduced one of two apps that allows Android clients to download, called Move to iOS (the other app is Apple Music). The iOS migration is expected to help Android customers to consistently trade to an iPhone without losing their meaningful information, similar to contacts, photographs, calendars, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The app is a vital part of making the switch, however there are a few different steps along the way before you can get everything working with your new iPhone. When planning to leave Android, consider what you can’t take with you. Your phone case won’t be workable with your new iPhone, and your desktop dock might not be either, but there’s a good chance that some other Android trimmings you bought will work.
If they rely on Bluetooth, they should be great. Most speaker and dock embellishments are iPhone-like by default. In fact, even wired headphones will work with the latest iPhones, but you should buy a Lightning to 3.5mm jack.
How to switch from android to iphone
Transfer data from Android using the Move to iOS app
Apple has a fancy marketing page on why you should switch from Android to iPhone. It’s more hype than helpful advice, and you’ll definitely get more out of their support page on the subject. But Apple is a great resource to make the switch: an Android app!
On your old Android phone, download the Move to iOS app from the Google Play Store. Make sure you have Wi-Fi turned on and launch the app. Only after getting the Move to iOS app should you start configuring up your new iPhone. During setup, you will see a list of options for how to restore your apps and data. Select Move Android Data. if you already defined up your iPhone, you can always erase your iPhone and start over. If you just set up today, it might be worth the time.
As you progress through the process, you will see a sequence of numbers on your iPhone (six numbers or 10 numbers), which you will be prompted to enter on your Android phone. At some point during this process, your Android phone may complain about a weak Wi-Fi signal, but you can just ignore it; it’s a side effect of your android phone connecting directly over Wi-Fi to your iPhone. You will be able to choose which content you want to transfer from your Android phone for your iPhone. Choose what you want and tap Next.
The whole process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on how your old Android performs. phone and how much data you need to transfer.
Add your Google account to your iPhone
If you use the Move to iOS app, you will likely find that your Google account has already been added to your iPhone. If you chose not to transfer your Google account during this process, or you didn’t use the Move to iOS app (it can be tricky at times, and some users report problems getting it to work properly), you’ll have to add it yourself.
Is easy! On your iPhone, tap Settings and then tap Mail. Tap Accounts, then Add Account and choose Google from the list. Your iPhone will open up a Google login page where you will enter your account name and password. Once your account is added, you can select it from the Accounts list and choose whether or not to sync your Mail, Contacts, Calendars and Notes. These options will bring data from your Google account to the iOS Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Notes apps, but if you plan on using the Google apps on your iPhone instead of Apple’s, you have the option to disable these toggles.
Enjoy Google Apps on iPhone
Google makes a ton of iPhone apps. Switching to iOS doesn’t mean you have to give up up your favorite Google apps, only they won’t necessarily work in exactly the same way as on your Android phone. In particular, you can’t make them a default app – when you open an email link, it opens Apple’s Mail app, not the Gmail app, for example.
In particular, you will probably want to download Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Photos and Google Maps. If you really want to keep as many Google apps as you’re used to on Android, the Google app will give you the search and discovery feed you’re used to, Google Assistant is your Siri replacement (although you’ll need to launch the app to use it) and Chrome will make your browser look more familiar.
Of course, third-party apps like Spotify, Twitter, Instagram, and Netflix exist on the iPhone, and they both look and operate very similarly to Android. You just need to log in with your account and all your content should be there. Remember to take the time to do things like download music or videos that you want to watch offline.
If you don’t want to lose progress on any of your games, you’ll have to make sure they have some sort of online save functionality. In many popular games, you can log in with your Facebook account or a game-specific account and this will save your progress. Just make sure you log in with the same account when re-downloading the game on your iPhone.
Final note
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