You can quickly take a screenshot on the play PS4 games by pressing the Share button on your controller. You can then share it with other friends and post it on Facebook or Twitter, but there is no obvious way to transfer your screenshot to a computer. However, it is still possible, albeit with a little more effort.
Granted, the PS4’s built-in sharing features for screenshots are fantastic, but sometimes you have a great screenshot that you want to share on Reddit or a gaming forum, which requires you to first have that screenshot on your computer. So, how do you get screenshots onto your computer to begin with? It’s actually quite simple, but it’s not as quick as sharing a screenshot to Twitter directly from the Share menu while playing a game. We have mentioned steps below to Transfer PS4 Screenshots to PC.
Steps to Transfer PS4 Screenshots to PC
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Transfer PS4 Screenshots to PC. It’s useful to know how to transfer PS5 screenshots to your computer and phone, but it’s not as simple as sharing PS5 screenshots and videos with others. By default, the PlayStation 5 takes a screenshot or video whenever you earn a trophy, ensuring that your proudest gaming achievements aren’t lost, but you may want to save a copy of this content on your other devices as well.