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This tip is about the how to Turn off Focus Sharing Across iPhone and Mac. So read this free guide, How to Turn off Focus Sharing Across iPhone and Mac step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Turn off Focus Sharing Across iPhone and Mac – Guide
Do Not Disturb is the best friend of many entrepreneurs who don’t want to use their phones during important meetings. But not everyone wants to avoid all forms of contact, and there may be times when you want to keep in touch with certain family members, avoiding unnecessary calls from random strangers. Apple has been working hard to find a solution to this problem, and Focus is the company’s attempt to give users a personalized “do not disturb” experience.
Focus modes allow you to create specific routines, blacklist certain callers, and whitelist users you want to keep in touch with. You can also blacklist apps, contacts and other forms of communication. With these routines offered by Focus in iOS 15, you can create scenarios that don’t bother you based on your location, daily routine, work routine, and other factors. With constant notifications and frequent calls, it’s hard to concentrate and focus on the task at hand.
While iOS already offers ways to suppress unnecessary calls and notifications, there was no feature which allowed users to control notifications from one place. With iOS 15, you can use Focus Mode on your iPhone or iPad to minimize distractions and focus on the things that matter to you. Whether you want to immerse yourself in a game without distractions, sleep peacefully or watch one of the best TV series on Netflix: in this article we will show you how to disable focus sharing on iPhone and Mac.
How to Disable Focus Sharing on iPhone and Mac
If you do most of your trading throughout the day on your iPhone and you don’t want your Focus status to be affected by the Focus status of your iPad or Mac, follow these steps to disable Focus status sharing:
In case you mainly use Focus on your Mac while working or studying and you don’t want Focus status to affect the same on your iPhone/iPad, you can disable Share Cross devices on your Mac like this:
Final note
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