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This tip is about the how to Turn off Mouse Acceleration in Shadow Warrior 3 on PC. So read this free guide, How to Turn off Mouse Acceleration in Shadow Warrior 3 on PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Turn off Mouse Acceleration in Shadow Warrior 3 on PC – Guide
Shadow Warrior 3 is the latest installment in the first-person shooter series from Flying Wild Hog and Devolver Digital. The title has been available on PC and consoles for a few days now. If you’d like to read our take on this, check out our Shadow Warrior 3 review. We’ve looked at different options for the title, and while the performance has been excellent on different settings, there are a few options missing from the title.
If you want to disable Shadow Warrior 3 mouse acceleration, you can learn how to do it here. If you also want to disable other settings like chromatic aberration and depth of field, check out our guides. The title is also available to PS Now users. If you are part of the subscription, you can play without paying anything extra.
How to Disable Mouse Acceleration in Shadow Warrior 3 on PC
For some reason, mouse acceleration was enabled by default in the title and cannot be disabled in the game’s settings. The setting constantly adjusts to the way you move the mouse. Not really recommended if you’re trying to get used to a certain style of play in a shooter title. Fortunately, you can turn this off. feature editing the configuration file.
After performing the above steps, mouse smoothing will be completely removed from the game. If you want to re-enable mouse smoothing, which we don’t recommend, just remove the lines added to the file.
Final note
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