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This tip is about the how to Turn off Notifications on Android. So read this free guide, How to Turn off Notifications on Android step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Turn off Notifications on Android – Guide
Notifications enlighten you about significant Android updates. A huge number of immaterial notifications, again, can immediately turn into a headache. To disable pop-upup notifications on Android, go to Settings > Notifications and select the apps you prefer not to receive notifications for. Tragically, there is no straightforward answer to turning off all warnings for all apps simultaneously. Turning off all notifications for a certain app can be awkward, though. For example, you might need to disable the annoying content idea messages you get from Chrome, but not the warning it shows up while a record is being downloaded from the Internet.
How to Disable notifications for individual apps
If you know exactly which apps you want to disable notifications for, the process is simple, but there are two possible methods. To get started, find the app on your device home screen or in the app drawer. When you find the app, follow this process.
On this final page, you will see the notification options available for the app. Tap the Show notifications button at the top of the page to turn off all notifications, or tap individual notification types to turn it off.
How to Stop notifications from apps you can’t identify
If you get notifications frequently but are struggling to identify which app is sending them, you will need to wait until one of the offending alerts appears. up. In this case, the app may be sending you advertisements as notifications that do not establish a clear connection with the app. When one appears, follow these steps.
How to Disable lock screen notifications
If you want to continue receiving notifications from your apps, but want to prevent them from appearing on your device’s lock screen, the process is similar to disabling notifications for an app.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Turn off Notifications on Android. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.