Clear Calling is a function on the Pixel 6 that ensures folks on the opposite end of your phone call can hear you virtually perfectly. This post will walk you through the process of enabling it on your device, as well as why it would be a good idea.
In general, smartphones between phone numbers haven’t changed significantly. A phone conversation is a straightforward back-and-forth transaction that uses basic radio waves with no unexpected technology involved. As a result, it might be tough to get a clear and crisp call, regardless of which side you’re on.
That changes with Clear Calling. Using a network or Wi-Fi connection, the Pixel employs noise suppression techniques as well as AI and machine learning to identify which sounds must be included and which do not. For example, calls made on busy streets with cars passing by and people talking will not be drowned out, and vice versa. We have mentioned steps below to Turn On Clear Calling on Google Pixel 7
Steps to Turn On Clear Calling on Google Pixel 7
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Turn On Clear Calling on Google Pixel 7. Clear Calling is essentially a phone call noise cancelling technology. When you want to make a caller’s voice easier to hear against background noise, Google recommends turning on Clear Calling. Your Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro phone will employ AI and machine learning to efficiently filter out noises like wind, traffic, and people conversing.