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This tip is about the how to Turn on Hidden Facebook Messenger Dark Mode. So read this free guide, How to Turn on Hidden Facebook Messenger Dark Mode step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Turn on Hidden Facebook Messenger Dark Mode – Guide
Facebook Messenger’s dark mode was initially somewhat of a mystery when it became a reality in 2019, with customers sending a crescent moon to activate it. However, this is no longer true. This is the way to enable dark mode in Facebook Messenger. It was recently reported that Facebook was dealing with Messenger’s dark mode, perhaps the most mentioned features. Looks like she’s finally started performing it for everyone except in a quiet way. Facebook Messenger dark mode is accessible, but not directly. There is a little system that a user needs to follow to make it work.
Facebook Messenger users can finally rejoice. Late at night is an easy way to reduce eye strain and save battery, as long as you know how to unlock a hidden feature. In recent days, Facebook has quietly started rolling out a secret “dark mode” to Messenger that gives the app an inverted appearance of white text on a black background. The color scheme makes it easy to read the app’s messages at night.
Facebook chose to add this feature in a very unconventional way: to get the dark mode option in Messenger settings, you need to send someone a “crescent moon” emoji. After that you will see an animation of a group of moons falling from the top of the app with the query to enable the dark mode option in the app settings. Once you’ve done that, you’ll see the new option in the app’s settings.
How to enable dark mode on facebook messenger
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Turn on Hidden Facebook Messenger Dark Mode. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.