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This tip is about the how to Use an Android Device with Chromebook Via Phone Hub. So read this free guide, How to Use an Android Device with Chromebook Via Phone Hub step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Use an Android Device with Chromebook Via Phone Hub – Guide
Search giant Google celebrates Chromebook’s 10th anniversary with some new features features. The most important feature of Chrome OS is the ability to connect an Android phone for a Chromebook. This feature is called “Phone Hub” and allows users to reply to messages, check their phone’s battery life, turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot and more. This article explains how to connect one phone for a Chromebook using Phone Cube.
The instructions apply to phones running Android 5.1 and above. You can connect your devices via Bluetooth or a USB cable. If you want to see your notifications, messages and other information about your phone on your Chromebook, you need to use Bluetooth to set up Phone Cube. Follow these steps to set up Phone Hub so you can access your Android phone on your Chromebook:
How to Use an Android device with Chromebook Via Phone Cube
How to to define up Phone Cube
How to change your Phone hub settings
Final note
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