Today, Apple was finally able to make good on its promise and deliver on some of the missing features that were held back when iOS 16 was originally released. While iOS 16.1 brings the iCloud Shared Photo Library, third-party Live Activity support, Apple Fitness Plus, and many other features, there are also smaller details that are often overlooked, like the addition of Clean Energy Charging. We have some details about this feature, but now we know how it will work thanks to a support page that details and details.
The iPhone detects your local energy condition as soon as it is plugged in, making Clean Energy Charging a very clever charging method. In order to learn your behavior, the feature works in conjunction with Optimized Battery Charging. Only when the phone anticipates that you’ll be keeping it plugged in and charged for an extended period of time will the Clean Energy Charging function activate.
This may occur at the office, home, or any other place where the phone is frequently left charging. The fact that the feature won’t activate while you are in a new location is probably the most reassuring because it ensures that you won’t get a nasty surprise while travelling and charging your device while in motion. We have mentioned steps below to Use Clean Energy Charging on iPhone
Steps to Use Clean Energy Charging on iPhone
Final Words
That’s it with our article on how to Use Clean Energy Charging on iPhone. Apple’s Clean Energy Charging works by accessing a forecast of the carbon emissions on your local energy grid and then only charging when those emissions are lower. This may sound like an esoteric change, save for two factors: it’s enabled by default on all iPhones running iOS 16.1, and hundreds of millions of iPhones are in use worldwide, all of which require charging.