Table of Contents
When you make a call with Use Emergency SOS on Phone number. In some countries and regions, you may need to select the service you want. For example, in China, you can choose police, fire, or ambulance.
You can also add emergency contacts. After you complete an emergency call, your iPhone notifies your emergency contacts with a text message unless you cancel. Your iPhone sends them your current location and sends updates to your emergency contacts for a period of time after you switch to SOS mode if your location changes.
It is advantageous to have a personal emergency number so that your known contacts are informed and can act right away. This guide will walk you through setting up your phone’s Emergency SOS function and adding emergency contacts. Let’s investigate.
Steps to Use Emergency SOS on Phone
On iPhone
On Android
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to Use Emergency SOS on Phone. Unexpectedly much work has been done into modern cellphones to ensure that you can always summon emergency services, no matter the circumstance. For instance, if you have an iPhone, you may use the Emergency SOS function to immediately contact your local emergency services even if you are immobile.