Above is a trailer for the film in which Molly Burke starred. The Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro will be able to detect when you’re attempting to take a selfie and will begin prompting you to “move your phone right and up,” as well as starting a countdown for you to pose.
You will feel vibration signals in addition to verbal cues, and a dotted frame will surround your face on the screen. The concept of a Guided Frame is quite simple. Using the Pixel 7’s front-facing camera and Google’s TalkBack mode, your phone can assist you in taking selfies even if you can’t see the process clearly.
A selfie has a few extra applications with TalkBack. To begin, your phone will vibrate at various times to help you determine when the camera is properly framing your face. We have mentioned steps below to Use Guided Frame on Pixel Phone
Steps to Use Guided Frame on Pixel Phone
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Use Guided Frame on Pixel Phone. Google has also introduced Guided Frame with the release of the google Pixel 7. This feature was created for those who are visually impaired and/or blind. It employs automated verbal commands to assist users in centering their faces for a selfie, ensuring that the person in the frame is in focus and facing the correct direction.