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This tip is about the how to utilise an iPhone with a Chromebook. So read this free guide, How to utilise an iPhone with a Chromebook step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to utilise an iPhone with a Chromebook – Guide
Using an iPhone with a Chromebook seems a little weird. Certainly Android makes a lot more sense considering its close ties to the Google ecosystem. However, for business or education, many loyal iPhone users prefer the simplicity and cost of a Chromebook. You can use an iPhone with a Chromebook and be happy with it if you put in the effort. The trick is to sync your Google account from Chrome OS to your iPhone. In some cases, this is simple because Google’s most important apps are available on iOS. Things can get a little more complicated in other places, like receiving and sending text messages on your Chromebook. Regardless, there are some solutions you can apply to alleviate these problems and make your iPhone and Chromebook more enjoyable.
How to Use an iPhone with Your Chromebook
Using an iPhone with a Chromebook certainly feels a little out of place. Android obviously makes a little more sense given the intimate connection they both have with the Google ecosystem. However, many loyal iPhone users turn to the simplicity and affordability of a Chromebook for work or school tasks. It takes a little effort, but you can use an iPhone with your Chromebook and be happy with it. The key is to take Google’s life out of Chrome OS and sync it to your iPhone. This can be easy in some cases as Google offers most of its important apps on iOS. Elsewhere, things can be a little more complicated, like receiving and sending text messages through your Chromebook. Regardless, there are a few solutions you can use to alleviate these pain points and increase your iPhone and Chromebook enjoyment. In this article, we will see the most important tips and tricks to use an iPhone with your Chromebook.
cloud storage
To really commit to a Chromebook as your primary machine, you really need to use Google Drive as your primary cloud storage solution. That doesn’t mean you can’t use iCloud to backup up your iOS devices, but for essential documents, photos and other work data, you should store them in Google Drive. Fortunately, Google Drive has an easily accessible iOS app that you can download to your iPhone. Most apps also let you easily save stuff to Google Drive, so this isn’t a huge inconvenience. Of course, if you already use something like Dropbox or Box, these are also viable options as they are available on iOS and Chrome OS. If you don’t like Google Drive, I would recommend Dropbox as the next best alternative as it can be easily integrated into your Chromebook’s file system and set as the default save location.
If you want a seamless productivity experience between iPhone and Chromebook, install all Google Workspace apps on your iPhone. Use Google Docs for writing documents, Google Sheets for spreadsheets, and more. The good news is that all these apps sync perfectly with your Google Drive. This is also useful if you also use an iPad (which is still the best true tablet) as you can work on all your devices without missing a beat. Of course, there are some productivity apps for iOS that aren’t available on your Chromebook, and vice versa. A good example of this is the Ulysses writing app, which I personally use on iOS for short summaries of my articles before transferring them to WordPress. In such cases, you may need to save these files directly to Google Drive or save them to iPhone and then move them to Google Drive. Admittedly, this is a little cumbersome, but you can still use your favorite iOS-only productivity apps with a Chromebook.
Sync notes and bookmarks
Both iOS and Android have their own default note apps. Apple’s app is simply called Notes, while Google’s app is called Keep Notes. Since Apple’s Notes app is not available outside of Apple’s ecosystem, it’s best to use Keep Notes. You can download Google Keep Notes from the App Store on your iPhone and sync notes between your iPhone and Chromebook with ease. As for bookmarks, you can now set Chrome as your default browser on iOS. This wasn’t possible a few years ago, making it difficult to sync browser history, bookmarks, and other important information between an iPhone and Chromebook. To set Chrome as your default browser on iOS, just go to Settings in the Chrome app itself (see screenshots above). Of course, if you use something like Evernote to save links, you can also add that to your workflow, as Evernote is also a cross-platform solution.
courier service
Perhaps the hardest thing to deal with when using an iPhone and Chromebook together is messaging. With an Android device, you can receive all your text messages from your phone on your Chromebook instantly. Unfortunately, that’s not really possible with an iPhone, and you can’t use Google’s Messages for the Web either, as you have to install the Google Messages app, which isn’t available on iOS. My solution for messaging integration on my iPhone is to use Google Chat for most of my messaging needs. I know this isn’t the ideal solution as some users still prefer texting, but Google Chat is available on iOS and you’ll instantly get notifications on Chromebook and iPhone for any chat messages that come in while you’re working. There are also other platform-independent messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger (although I don’t recommend it) and Snapchat that work on iOS and Chrome OS/Android ecosystems. At the final By all accounts, it’s not a big deal if you can’t reply to all messages on your Chromebook, but you might get some of them if you use these popular apps.
Both Apple and Google have incredibly popular photo apps. As a loyal Android and Chrome user, I would say Google’s solution is the best, which is really good because it’s also available on iOS. Apple doesn’t make their Photos app available on Android, so you really need to use Google’s solution here to sync your photos to your Chromebook. This is by far the easiest solution, but of course there’s the problem of original quality backups and paying for Google storage if you take too many pictures. It’s also possible to manually transfer photos, which I’ll cover in a future article, but this is a little more complicated than using Google Photos. Keep in mind that most Chromebooks don’t have a lot of built-in storage, so you may not be able to store all your photos taken locally.
Final note
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