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This tip is about the how to Adjust Siri’s Volume. So read this free guide, How to Adjust Siri’s Volume. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Adjust Siri’s Volume – Guide
Do you find Siri responses too high or too low on your iPhone, iPad, Mac or Apple Watch? Follow the instructions below to change Siri’s voice feedback volume. Interestingly, there’s no place in Settings in Siri & Search or Sounds & Touch to change the volume of Siri’s voice feedback on iPhone and iPad. The same goes for the Mac, with System Preferences only including an on/off switch for Siri’s voice feedback.
Adjust Siri Sound Level on iPhone and iPad
When receiving voice feedback from Siri on your iPhone or iPad, use volume buttons on the side of the device to increase or decrease the Siri sound level.
If you’re using headphones with your iOS device, just adjust their volume as you normally would.
Adjust Siri Sound Level on Mac
When receiving voice feedback from Siri on Mac, adjust the volume using one of these methods.
If you’re using headphones with your Mac, just adjust the volume as you normally would.
Adjust Siri Sound Level on Apple Watch
On Apple Watch, Siri has a dedicated volume level setting. Here it is how to set it on the watch itself or in the Watch app on the iPhone.
Change Siri volume on watch
Change Siri Volume on iPhone
Adjust Siri Sound Level on HomePod
You can use volume buttons (plus and minus) on the top of the HomePod to adjust the volume. But remember that the volume of your HomePod is adjusted according to the sound level in the room.
If you’re using AirPlay on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you can adjust the HomePod’s sound level using the device’s volume controls as described above.
Final note
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