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This tip is about the how to Change Apple Watch Fitness Goals. So read this free guide, How to Change Apple Watch Fitness Goals. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Change Apple Watch Fitness Goals – Guide
One of the main reasons I bought an Apple Watch was activity tracking features. I had been thinking about buying a Fitbit for a while, but since I already invested in Apple (MacBook Pro, iPhone, AirPods), I decided why not have another device aggressively ringing at me whenever a call comes in? When you first set up your Apple Watch, you will be asked to customize the Activity app by providing some basic information about yourself (gender, age, height, weight, etc.), and Apple will assign a number to the red Mover ring, which represents calories burned, based on this information. . The only activity ring that can be modified is the Move ring. Here it is how to Knife.
Change your daily movement goal
On Mondays, you will receive a notification detailing achievements from the previous week’s activity. Based on this information, the Apple Watch suggests a Move goal for the next week, which you can adjust.
Close your Exercise and Stand rings
The other activity rings are the green Exercise ring, which counts the minutes of “fast activity”. To close that ring, you need to complete 30 minutes of exercise a day, although you can customize the metrics you see for each workout in the Apple Watch app.
The Blue Stand Ring tracks how many times you have stood up and moved at least one minute every hour. It closes after staying one minute for twelve different hours. For wheelchair users, the Stand Ring becomes a Roll Ring with multiple features for accessibility.
Change notification settings in the Watch iPhone app
Apple Watch offers reminders, guidance and recommendations to help you close your rings, which you can control in the Watch app for iPhone.
To access these settings, go to the My Watch tab in the Watch app and tap Activity. From here, you can turn off notifications completely or customize incoming notifications, like standing reminders (a gentle reminder 50 minutes past the hour if you haven’t already to stand up and move around for a minute), daily training (incentives to help you complete activity goals and monthly challenges) and goal completion (animations that appear on your Apple Watch screen when you reach Move, Exercise, and Stand goals).
While closing the Stand ring is fairly straightforward, the Move and Exercise rings can involve more subtle measurements, and I’ve completed workouts that weren’t “counted” or the Watch recorded a workout when I hadn’t done one.
Final note
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