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This tip is about the how To Check Screen Time On Android. So read this free guide, How To Check Screen Time On Android. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Check Screen Time On Android – Guide
Extensive phone usage can have a negative impact on health, but Android users can analyze screen time and make some positive changes. An important area of Android that Google has highlighted recently is digital well-being. Simply put, Google is trying to implement responsible smartphone use, helping users track their activities and create an overall productive experience rather than a situation where apps up all your time. A key component of digital wellness is screen time, which is used to inform users about the amount of time they spend looking at their phone screen.
Screen time provides a detailed analysis of the hours and minutes users spend using various apps in their phone. The screen time panel also provides information on how often the phone was unlocked and how many notifications appeared per day. Screen time is associated with a few other tools that can help users shut down for a while, including the ability to manage notifications, set a sleep time, or even turn focus mode on to not use the phone for a while and avoid getting distracted.
How to Check screen time on Android
Final note
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