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This tip is about the how To Delete All Your Posts on Facebook. So read this free guide, How To Delete All Your Posts on Facebook. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Delete All Your Posts on Facebook – Guide
There are many reasons you might want to leave Facebook behind, whether you’re concerned about how Facebook protects your privacy or Facebook’s involvement in spreading misinformation during political elections. There is a good chance that you, like many other Facebook users, have shared some things that you will later regret. If you’re not ready to completely disable your Facebook account, deleting all of your past posts is a great way to alleviate your privacy concerns without giving up. up social media entirely.
So if you’re ready to clear your social media list and start over, here it is. how to delete all your Facebook posts in just a few simple steps.
Bulk Deletion of Posts Using Facebook in a Web Browser
How to Manage your posts in the Facebook app
Select the Menu icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
Choose View your profile at the top of the next screen.
Select More represented by the three dots (…) below your profile photo.
From the Profile Settings list, select Activity Log.
At the top of the activity log, select Manage your posts
A list of your posts will appear.
Select the checkbox next to any content you want to archive.
Choose File. Alternatively, select Trash to delete the content.
Final note
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