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This tip is about the how To Enable Chrome Flash Plugin For Particular Sites. So read this free guide, How To Enable Chrome Flash Plugin For Particular Sites. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Enable Chrome Flash Plugin For Particular Sites – Guide
If you’re using Chrome, which you should be, you’ve probably noticed that Flash is blocked by default in your browser. Google doesn’t like Flash because it has big security vulnerabilities, so it does everything in its power to force you not to use Flash. The only problem is that there are still many websites that use Flash. None of the big sites you visit every day like Facebook, Instagram, etc. use it, but many smaller and older sites just haven’t bothered to switch to HTML 5.
If you do a quick Google search to enable Flash in Chrome, you will find many articles advising you to download and install Flash from the Adobe website (which doesn’t work) or open a Chrome tab and go to chrome: // plugins ( which also doesn’t work anymore). In the latest version of Chrome (57), you can no longer manage plugins from this URL. Instead, you will only receive the message “This site cannot be accessed”.
Enable Flash in Chrome using settings
Use site settings to enable Flash
Final note
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