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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Windows 10 Taskbar Not Hiding in Full screen’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Taskbar Not Hiding in Full screen’ Issue. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Taskbar Not Hiding in Full screen’ Issue – Guide
A very common problem for Windows 10 users is the taskbar not hiding in full screen mode. This scenario makes using multiple full-screen applications or even full-screen media streaming inconvenient. The problem can be caused by poorly defined taskbar settings, generic system errors, or application configuration. Although Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, even advanced programs have their own shortcomings.
The perfect example is a full-screen taskbar that gets in the way of the user experience. Obstructed view of your screen when trying to perform certain tasks can be a distraction at best, and a slight setback at worst. It can block important elements, making it impossible to click on them. Many users have encountered this issue where the taskbar does not hide in full screen mode. This spoils the experience, especially when you can see all these icons with permanent notifications that make them blink. In either case, we don’t want to.
Check the taskbar configuration
Update Windows 10 and restart it
You can also try upgrading Windows 10 to the latest version to see if it can fix the taskbar that isn’t hidden in Windows 10’s full screen.
Restart Windows Explorer in Task Manager
After that you can check if the Windows 10 taskbar doesn’t hide in full screen has been fixed.
Disable app notifications
Sometimes if you get notifications from apps, there will be a symbol in the app icon in the system tray. You can click on the app, the taskbar may be able to hide in full screen again. You can also choose to turn off notifications from apps and senders by following the steps below to see if this can fix the taskbar that doesn’t hide in full screen in Windows 10.
Click Start -> Settings -> System -> Notifications and Actions.
Find Get notifications from apps and other senders and disable it. This will disable notifications from all apps and senders. If you just want to turn off notifications for a specific app, you can scroll down to turn off notifications for the specific app.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Taskbar Not Hiding in Full screen’ Issue. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.