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This tip is about the how to Manage Who Can Reply to Tweets. So read this free guide, How to Manage Who Can Reply to Tweets. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Manage Who Can Reply to Tweets – Guide
Now Twitter has updated it so you can adjust these settings even after you tweet to the world. THE feature gives you the ability to choose between three settings when posting a tweet: Everyone (meaning anyone with a Twitter account can reply to your tweet), only people you follow, or only people you mention.
For tweets set to “Only people you follow” and “Only people you mention”, users will see a label telling them who can reply, and the reply icon will be grayed out if they can’t. This doesn’t mean your tweet will be hidden – anyone can still retweet, share, like and even retweet with a comment (if they really want you to hear what they have to say), but they won’t be able to reply below your tweet.
How to choose who can reply to your tweet
Please note that once you publish the tweet, you will not be able to change your reply settings.
How to choose who you can reply to
Within the compose screen, you can see the people in the conversation that you will reply to. There you can click on the “Reply to” option to bring up up the edit screen, which will consist of a list of people who are part of the conversation.
To add people to a conversation, you can simply type their username in your tweet. And to remove people, you can tap the checkmark icon to deselect participants within the edit screen.
If you have blocked an account, it will be visible to you in the recipient list with the blocked indicator.
To check how many participants are in a tweet, you can simply take a look at the number next to the reply icon that indicates how many direct replies the original Tweet received.
Final note
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