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This tip is about the how to save Instagram pictures or videos on your iPhone. So read this free guide, How to save Instagram pictures or videos on your iPhone. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to save Instagram pictures or videos on your iPhone – Guide
Every day we go through Instagram and find hundreds of Instagram posts that we share with our friends and there are times when those posts are so good that we want to save them and make them available offline. While the Instagram app doesn’t allow its users to store offline photos and videos directly on their iPhone, there are a few methods that get the job done. Here are some methods to show you how to download them directly, then let’s get started.
Use a dedicated Instagram photo downloader
The best and easiest way to save Instagram photos is to use an Instagram photo downloader. There are literally dozens of apps on the App Store that let you save Instagram photos and videos to your device. The good news is that most of them are free. The bad news is that they often contain in-app purchases, tons of ads, and they’re not always the best looking apps.
As we were not satisfied with any of these apps, we ended up developing our own app called Reposter for Instagram, formerly known as Regrammer.
Step 1: Download Instagram Reposter for free.
Step 2: In the Instagram app, find the photo or video you want to download and tap the Share icon that looks like “…” above the photo and select Copy link.
Step 3: Launch the Reposter app, paste the link you just copied into the box and click Preview.
Step 4: Tap Repost button.
Step 5: Tap the Repost option on Instagram. This will open Instagram Share page, but it will also automatically save the photo or video to your Camera To roll. You can then close the Share spreadsheet without having to share the post.
As I mentioned above, there are a plethora of apps to save Instagram content, and they’re not all very nice, or even upgraded for larger-screen iPhones, but they get the job done.
Most of these apps operate on a coin-based system to allow you to download content, where it costs a coin to save a photo or video. When you download the app for the first time, you get four free coins, but if you want more, you’ll have to watch the ads to earn them. Our Reposter app doesn’t work like that and it’s completely free to use, although it’s ad-compatible.
Download Instagram photos using the Shortcuts app
Another way to save Instagram photos and videos to your device is to use the Shortcuts app. Granted, the process is less elegant than using a dedicated app, but it gets the job done.
- On your iPhone, download the Instagram download shortcut and configure it up following the instructions provided.
- In the Instagram app, find the photo or video you want to save to your Camera Scroll, tap the ”…” above the photo and select Share For.
- Scroll through the list of sharing options and select the Instagram download shortcut.
- The first time you run the shortcut, you’ll have to grant it access to the web and your photo library. Make sure you allow everything. At the final, the photo or video will be saved in the iPhone photo library.
Use jailbreak tweaks to download Instagram content
If your iPhone is unlocked, there are different tweaks you can download from Cydia to let you save Instagram photos and videos to your iPhone. InstaBetter, InstaEnhancer, Instagram++ and InstaTools are just some of the many options available.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to save Instagram pictures or videos on your iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.