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This tip is about the how to track screen time on Android Devices. So read this free guide, How to track screen time on Android Devices. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to track screen time on Android Devices – Guide
If you plan on watching your children’s device activity in the modern era, you need parental controls feature that works well in mobile platforms, along with desktops. Children can get into all kinds of misconduct in their mobile phones, on purpose or by accident. Maybe they spend too much time every day staring at a screen or use inappropriate websites and apps for their age. In either case, a good parental control app can bring back your sense of control and help you keep a discreet eye on anything that might harm them.
How to check screen time on android
If you navigate to Android settings, you can search or scroll down to find Digital wellness and parental controls.
Let’s take a little deeper look at what Digital Wellness is and how it can help you. Here, you can see where you spend your time, how often you unlock your phone, and much more. You can also tap the dashboard to see more details and check your exact screen time.
you might want to learn how to better handle screen time on and take back control of your life. Keep reading if you think you’re looking at your phone too long!
Here is a walkthrough guide, just to keep things more organized.
How to check screen time on android:
- Open the Settings app.
- Select Digital wellness and parental control.
- Hit Dashboard.
What is digital well-being
Digital Wellness is an integrated way to check and monitor screen time on your Android device or your child’s. In addition to checking how much time you spend on each of your apps, you can set goals and timers for yourself to help cut down on your time in front of the screen.
It’s no secret that our phones are important and necessary, but they need to take up What much time in our day? Google created Digital Wellness to help people disconnect easily throughout the day and into the final of the day.
How to use Digital Wellness on Android
Using Digital Wellness on Android is as simple as opening it. It comes pre-installed on your device and you don’t need to log into anything to access screen time information.
Navigate to the Settings menu. Then tap or search for Digital wellness and parental controls. As soon as you tap it, you can see all your recent screen time for all your apps. And if you tap the name of a specific app, you can see an analysis of the historical time spent on that app.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to track screen time on Android Devices. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.